Friday, August 29, 2008

1.2 Perspectives & Organizations

It is controversial how organizations defend their “values”, when they pass out so much prejudice and restrictions on candidates and eventually, on their employees. I will use one of the most common values “employed” by organizations to make my point: Respect.

It starts when the candidate fills out the job application – either online or in person. What is the real point on asking someone’s color on a job application? Although this is an “optional question”, it has lots of meaning behind it. I do not believe that skin color determines how an individual will do the job. This is indeed a polemic paradigm, with room for hours of argumentation.

Is it ok to express emotions at work? No way! “Professionals” deal with business! Personal issues are not welcome to the office. I honestly believe that happy individuals can add much more value to organizations. Fact is that very deep inside “we all want to find the New and Better Organization” (p. 2) – either 100% professional, or a mix of both. But at the end it is all about multiple perspectives.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

1.1 The avenues of Organizational Communication

It has been said that organizations are changing how they communicate with their audiences. I would debate this argument, defending that organizations are finding other avenues to pass their message across, instead. Having had the opportunity to work in the Human Resources “Team” of several companies, in Brazil and in the United States, I realized that the procedures, mission, and values, for instance, have the same fundamentals. The only difference is the subtle way these concepts are displayed to the employees.

While I am a new student at SJSU, it is natural that many things sound new to me. And talking about new, I would not miss the chance to use this example, because I believe it is totally related to the idea of simplifying – or attempt to simplify things. Yes, I am referring to the transition from WebCT to Blackboard (CE8). Again, as a new member of this “community” I do not know both systems in detail. So I would risk thinking that the idea is to offer better technology to SJSU’s students and faculties.

As any other organization, SJSU has an ideal of the perfect system, but in the process of simplification, apparently something was taken from granted here, because the users do not seem happy.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Blog & online class

It is so exciting! This is my first Blog & online class. :o)

I look forward to learning as much as I can in COMM 244.