Monday, September 8, 2008

3.2 Using Communication Technologies

September 7th is a national holiday in Brazil. It is our “Independence Day” - the day when Brazilians were set free from Portugueses. My family was telling me how Mass Media reported all the celebrations for the day, reinforcing how free our nation is, and so forth. This slogan sounded nice, but it did not entirely convince me. Then I started reflecting how independent we are - not only as a country, but as human beings.We live in a time of constant transition, and inevitably we end up dependents of resources invented by other people.

When it comes to the use of communication technologies, there are certainly advantages and disadvantages. In one hand it is excellent to learn new information; on the other hand, we are servants of new technologies. Technology became so advanced, that there is no return. Life will go on….so will new technologies. In chapter 12 of the text the author invites us to “think of the constant updates on computer software that sometimes seem more a nuisance than a help, requiring us to learn new features and to re-learn how to do some tasks that had become routine…”

1 comment:

Mansoor said...

Communication technology becomes our friend if we control how we use it rather than letting it control us. It's important to set a limit to which we can allow technology to become a part of our life. We should use it to enable ourselves and not to feel disabled without it. Being "dependents of resources invented by other people", in fact, makes us independent in its own way.

"Sensitivity is a strength and it is a mad world that turns it into a weakness."
Sean Penn.

Same is the case with learning as learning and change strengthens us and helps in adapting to a new environment effectively and that's where sensitivity comes in.