Saturday, September 27, 2008

5.5 Research Project – part II

After thinking carefully about the direction that my partner and I will give to our Research Project, I realized how huge our theme (Global Business Communication) is. We will rely on good peer-reviewed journal articles and some books to substantiate our work.

The most important part of this project appears to be the preliminaries. While doing the readings, we will need to restrict it to how Business Communication is in determined countries. I like the idea of focusing it on Brazil, China, and United States.

Additional aspects, such as how power is perceived between managers and subordinates, how technologies connect people cross-cultures, how English appears to be predominant to other languages, are very appealing. Although we feel tempted to include these additional aspects in our project, we need to keep our area of interest very clear in our minds. Doing so, we will be able to clearly convey Global Business Communication in our website.

Garota de Ipanema

1 comment:

Sree said...

I was trying to research on a similar issue and found out how huge the topic is and am trying to narrow it down to concentrate on certain things. Like may be inter cultural communication between US and Germany or US and India. Cultural Considerations, Effects on Gender on communication styles in these cultures, difference in tones and the meanings of it in different cultures etc., Some other things of interests were English Communication guidelines, how to establish credibility, individual versus team considerations, things to consider while handling multicultural conference calls etc.,

I agree with you to clearly understand a particular issue, wit has to be concentrated on only certain things and not include as the things possible as this is a very vast topic