Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2.2 Technology’s impacts on Globalization

Once a month, the Human Resources Teams from the United States, some countries from South America, and Central America “get together” to discuss what is happening on their respective countries. These monthly meetings which take place at the company I work for are doable, mainly because of new communication technologies such as teleconferencing.

After participating on one of these meetings this morning, and with chapter thirteen of the textbook in the back of my mind, I caught myself concluding that there are not boundaries that technology can not cross. The theorist Marshall McLuhan defended that “since electronic communication is almost instantaneous, it is able to link events and locations and create interdependence.”

Although there are participants across the globe on these meetings –bringing different languages and cultures to the context, every single one is trying to obtain something – either just get updated on last topics or present their ideas and projects to the group, in order to unify the company’s processes. In other words, the textbook defines globalization “as a process of perception, understanding, and, by extension, persuasion”.

Garota de Ipanema

1 comment:

crives said...

I work for a high tech company that has an objective to facilitate collaboration across teams and employees across the world. We are creating systems and process that are breaking down the geographic boundaries to allow fluid “movement” between time and place. Here is the problem that I have faced with the increasing global workforce that we have. Technology allows easier communication and connection but geographic constraints still exist, mainly time zones. Your HR company meeting was with individuals from the Americas, which are mostly within two to five hours of each other, a pain but manageable. Have you ever had to hop onto a meeting at 4:00 in the morning to meet with colleagues in Europe or stay up until 11:00 pm to discuss a system bug with developers in India. My company creates products to help with interactions across the world through voice and video which definitely helps in cost reduction of travel but personally I do not want my colleague seeing the nighttime bags under my eyes after an already long day or hearing my morning voice before my cup of coffee. I think these are constraints that will be difficult to overcome in the global organization.